Better learning then university college primary school quote from haward university
videos games are most of the time made by advanced programmers who studied alot
many video games you can learn alot from
one of the first online multiplayer game is a flying game
the link trainer simulator made for learning and many people got very advanced at flying
you cant take of or land in the 3d simulator dont try in real life
thats of real games can be to people who learn from the simulators do better in life
3d architechure simulated with fpv can make life living better the sims is a 3d game
i advice non violent games beacause the violent once have so much effect and non violent once have so much effect
i will descripe the games with video pictures and links to show people how it can make the people more inttelligent and do better on this planet.
This game is made with 3d program and web gl the faster memory its saved and online from the faster the game loads
This game is one of the first of the first fpv first person meaning that the 3d program show it from the 3d player perspective view basketball games
its a good game that teaches you about basketball your learn about the court the hoop and the lines
movement to
the game got big potential to develop to a even more advanced learning game
many games made by game programmers are often not thought for learning purposes but people and children espessially learn alot so the people talk about what they learn the better the games get.
online multiplayer games can teach people alot about human behavior and scocialising is a fun complementary zumo wrestling table tennis game
This is online mutiplayer games you can play with your friends or make new freinds with online
its fun to play with a video chat open at the same time
some find more fun then watching the nfl super bowl
the games that open fast are the ones coded better the games the open and play in browser and can be downloaded in fast good way with Afi automatic file installer and are compatible with all oses windows apple gnulinux android ios. are best coded and more fun is key and important in learning
its also important to able to sence what compliments the invidual human person the most
each person have their interest and every tree is similar but a little bit different some alot
but still all are trees plants
the good games are free and people pay to the programmers or good gamers bankaccoubnt phote link if they wish or believe they deserve it
many games are free that started out non free
espesally popolar games end up being closest to like chess tetris soduko basketball football that cost people money.
in the beginning they cost people alot of money cause its special and people had not thought much about
but when more and more people know the architure drawings and game play more and more people compliments
and it becomes more freee
here is a peacefull mining game in 3d that can inspire many thing better architecture
iq spotting scocialising
be aware that the name or the game have huge effest way more the most people can think of
when meditated upon and thought of for longer the effect and name of the game can be stronger then the butterfly effect.
think of good game names that wouuld change the human on the planet for the better
honesty game and so on
its diffycult to do for many
music have a huge effect on many things one is you mood and the spirits around you mood
listening to clasic music and healing music is the best binaural music is also good for healing.
these draw and guess game are great for learning and getting better at making drawings paintings pictures or painting painting making signs
there many advanced online drawings programs that if people learn to draw well can change life for the better
drawings make the house phones roads everyting we humans have started with a drawing if not on paper in our imagination
learning and practicing to draw and save all ideas with desription is key to succes in life and with money and numbers
money is number and memory numbers is math numbers is drawings
started out like drawings and still to this day still just different sorts of drawings
the amount of books and webpages about learning to draw is big now now a day finding the best and most complimental takes some time and meditation with search webpage like google on
Planet sport ball games
A game for learning ball sports
Online multiplayer for all oses
If you have got ideas for the game write it film it record it draw it.
3d modeling app Google Play free
🏸🏓🎾 Tab or click the tennis raquet to play virtual tennis
Best section on 🤳👨🏼💻📱🎮
Is sports and simulation section the top 100 is well made and instresting to tetris most popular game
Ball blazer is a game made by George Lucas in 1985
This is a very modern game from 85 try to study other games made in 3d
The game is not so much fun for longer period the way its made to begin with but is one game most people wanna try more then once its game i think inspired many games that popular today many 3d sports and adventure games seem to be linked or inspired by this game
Its a game that if continued and studyed have the potential to be the most popular sports game on the internet in gameflare seem to inspired by this game maybe only subconsciously.
To take notes or make videos of the ideas that come from trying the ball Blazer game can inspire for way better video games.
The way the games starts in 3d is fun to
📆 Here in trying to illustrated what will maybe be the most popular program viewer where the program menu bar is in the top and left side big size picture logos that userfriendly an easy to see meditate on the most complementary program picture logo you can think of for your computer memory card
🎮🎱♕ when clicking on the program folder logo the program logos comes out vertical line
Google Maps open street View gps
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📆 2a b c d e f g h i j
💱3k l m n o p q r s
💳4t u v w x y z
♕ 28
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k l m n o p q r s
t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i
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s t u v w x y z
Thoughts of 3D learning
3D program∆=€£®%
123 ABC ZYX 1x2y3z
1 is length
2 height
3 width
90° degree angle and the the compas is complementary
A Cube is complementary to
Top1 side2 side3 back4 buttom5 front6
Triangle is complementary to
Free 2d and 3d model center is really good to know to make architecture and video games
Blender3d program
Sketchup 3d program
Unity 3d program
In website i reccomend not buying the 3d models only look for the study the once that cost money and see if you can make it you self in a 3d program it good for inspiration to look at the once that cost money
got websites with free 3d models that are very complementary for making architecture and sharing ideas for video game architecture than can become real architecture when simulated played and found more fun the previous architecture so architecture can be compared in 3d which makes a huge difference
Found this while searching for a free online 2d 3d game editor maker creator web site
Its good searching for advanced calculator or scientific calculator in a searchwebsite
Imagine you have a advanced calculator on you for 100 years
Imagine you dont have a advanced calculator on you for a 100 years
What 100 years did you better
Write a list of what math is complementary for?
1 clothing that fits
2 eating healthy food
Reincarnation game
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
Ten quartz crystal balls god want people to think of their ten fingers
God want people to think what they have done in their live
God want everybody to be better on this planet
Reincarnation interview quartz crystal room artwork of a real spiritual creation origens room made by god who is a female spirit
Life and planet creation timeline memory interview
Emotional and artistic
Day dream and night nightmare like
Telepathicly and telekinesis
Complementary Book, documentary, movie recommendations to learn from
and survive better heaven and Hell is real study to make your opinion.
more info pictures and videos coming soon.
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