
Im teacher and a student, you are tuned in to sk8pot Skateboarding´s computer code center :)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mans Bank of Sk8poting

The goal is to make the richest bank and stock on the planet for man




Dedicated skateboarding stocks and production

Best and longest lasting materiale 

Strength and longevity


Safest crypto currency made in Danmark

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

sydhavnst sk8potstadion 24-7-365

Skateboard stadionet Sydhavn st Åben 24 7 hele året med lys
Er næsten blevet til en losse plads

Det skal holdes rent og lyst
Der kommer flere ramper

Der skal laves skilte til hvor toilettet er og container
Der skal sættes containere der ind som kommunen samler ind fra

De skal vaskes jævnligt
Så ingen bliver syge af at være der inde

Der skal bygges tribune til mini rampen
Så skal der sættes automat maskiner op
Og sikkerheds 📷 kamera
Mere lys
Mere lys
Stærke led lamper

Cement ramper over hele grus arealet
Det bliver den bedste Park i dk
Den er god allerede

Send billedelink af dit bedste trick

I  chat boksen
Der årlige præmier
Til trick
Flest rotation
Max flip
Sjoveste tøj stil
Bedste musik
Punk d i y giver point
Selvstøbte trucks
Hjemmegroet board
Hjemme lavede sko af kun dansk vækst

Bit coin

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Enghave skateboard

De akade jern kugler man skyder til minder lidt om kuglelejerne på et stort skateboard
Har mange ideer til denne hal

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

holy frequensy surfer

Reachin the holy frequensy surfer
Is awesome
You feel good

It comes down to Every single action and thought

Choosing gear avoid 666
Choose the holy
Dont eat animals
Eat plants

Avoid polyester and plastics derived from fossil oil atom 666
Hemp clothing is holy
Cotton is holy
Wool is holy sheep of god

Wood board

Wood fins
Metal fins
Plant plastic fins

Still have not found
The holy wetsuit
Here is some brands that come close
Yamamoto limestone wetsuit
Picture wetsuits
Patangonia wetsuits
All of Them contain carbon 666
So we have yet to see the Companys that frees itself
From satans atoms
To gods atoms

Gear same thing
Most gear you find contains plastic
But the sharp intelligent holy surfer
Will find the right gear
Free from the Bones og dead fish
Fossil oil 666
Gods holy frequensy Will lead you when you meditate
And you Will feel Better in the rare rights choosen products


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

CBD min Marie Johanna sundhedsplejeske


Marie Johanna
Is legal in All countrys
Has very High sativa amount
You get creative
More relaxed
Dream more
Can concetrate better
It heals cancer and other diseases
Best to listen to healing music
Best to only do one in the evening
You avoid smoke
Which is bad for you
Any smoke is bad?
A little smoke
Once a year almost act as a vaccination
Best medecine on the planet
Will be sold in automatic Machines All Over the planet.

Monday, September 16, 2019

floatpods next to a sk8park

Life board a very complementary to skateparks and surfing its a newly started culture IT reminds me of a sci fik mobile very Spacey.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Glastonbury skateboarders

This place is worth a visit

Very historical

Food Temple Long survival time almost look like boobs aka domes aka sk8bowldome

Women make food

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Open 24 7 beyond life

This website is open 24 7 beyond your life
Its a good website for learning
Its worth alot of money
Be thankfull
If you cant sleep study this website

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Donate Pay money cash clams to

insert money indsæt penge  💰  Clickcoin

Write IT, spray IT, sticker IT on walls, schools, skatespotparks skatespot, tvs, shops ,websites promote the site to the best of your ability on your board clothing or car ITs good for people
Its the best most popular website on the planet a life saver

Best strongest longest lastning diamant architecthure on the planet 🗺️😁💎🏅🕹️🔮🎨🎭